
BEARVFX Partners with Microsoft, NEC on Emotion-Reading AI Customer Service

2024-07-19 |
BEARVFX Partners with Microsoft, NEC on Emotion-Reading AI Customer Service

Imagine walking into McDonald's, ready to order from the familiar touchscreen POS machines.

But instead of a faceless interface, you’re warmly greeted by a virtual human who says, "Hello, what would you like to order today?" This isn't a scene from a sci-fi movie—it's the revolutionary customer service experience created by BEARVFX in collaboration with Microsoft and NEC.

Their virtual human service doesn't just hear you; it detects your gender, age range, and even reads your emotions, responding with unparalleled personalization. This game-changing technology is set to transform business-customer interactions, bringing a whole new level of efficiency and personalized service to the forefront.

Interaction with the Client : What Sets BEARVFX Apart from Competitors

BEARVFX distinguishes itself by developing virtual humans capable of interacting not just through voice, but also by interpreting facial expressions. Ethan Cheng, CEO and co-founder, elaborates on their innovative approach, aiming to collaborate with restaurants and boutiques. "For instance, in a clothing store, we can customize the avatar to showcase clothing available in the boutique. The background and appearance of the AI avatar can also be tailored," he explains.

BEARVFX - AI Virtual Human Interface

BEARVFX - AI Virtual Human Interface / Image Credits: BEARVFX

"We're looking to expand into various industries," Ethan continues. "For instance, a perfume company approached us, questioning whether our virtual customer service should also include the sense of smell. Currently, it doesn't, but it's a future possibility. Virtual humans should eventually incorporate all five senses, but we're taking it step by step."

When asked why they prioritize creating highly realistic virtual customer service rather than opting for easier-to-design characters, Ethan Cheng explained, "Human pursuit of beauty knows no bounds. While 2D animations are confined to cartoons, there's a general preference for realism and aesthetic appeal. Developing realistic virtual humans sets the stage for future 2D innovations. If we begin with 2D, transitioning to realistic designs later would be more challenging."

How Will Emerging Technologies Shape the Future of Marketing?

Ethan Cheng, CEO and co-founder of BEARVFX, studied EiMBA at National Taiwan University. Before founding BEARVFX and participated in an entrepreneurship competition. In 2018, he showcased his expertise in immersive visual experiences by assisting JJ Lin with concert projections.

BEARVFX team members

Image Credits: BEARVFX

BEARVFX not only creates virtual humans but also specializes in marketing technology. Pepper Hu, CEO and co-founder, highlights their strategic focus: "We aim for natural interaction, not just through voice. Our goal is to create virtual beings that can see you now. If virtual humans had visual capabilities, they could recommend clothing based on what they see you wearing."

This approach can greatly improve customer loyalty by offering a human-like interaction that connects emotionally, encouraging repeat visits, and building stronger relationships with the brand. "AI virtual humans also serve as a great way to do data collection," Ethan explained. "They become offline search engines, collecting and analyzing data."

Marketing Technology Revolution Expands to Japan and Korea

BEARVFX plans to enter the Japanese market, focusing on the catering and clothing industries. They aim to offer virtual customer service and 3D product visualization services to help these sectors cut labor costs and improve customer interactions. Their expansion plans also include South Korea, Singapore, and eventually the US and European markets by 2027.

Currently, their primary customer is McDonald's, and they are also partnering with Microsoft and NEC. They are actively fundraising to support their expansion efforts. Pricing for their services varies: customized solutions are more expensive, while standardized options are offered at a more affordable rate. Designing a new character, perhaps inspired by someone specific like your boss or a known figure, will incur higher costs compared to using their pre-made characters. These pre-made characters offer a range of options including faces, hair, and clothing, allowing for personalized branding solutions.

Mc Donald's POS machines
Currently, touch-screen ordering panels in stores only provide one-way service, but BEARVFX aims to create virtual characters that can completely replace the labor market suffering from worker shortages. /Image Credits: BEARVFX

They also offer a VIP service. Due to privacy concerns, these AI virtual humans are designed not to remember customers' faces. However, through the VIP service, with the customer's consent, you can request the AI virtual human to greet special clients differently. For instance, if an important client enters the bank, the AI virtual human recognizes them and offers personalized greetings.

BEARVFX is revolutionizing customer service with advanced virtual human technology. Envision a future where stepping into McDonald's means warmly interacting with a virtual assistant that seamlessly understands your needs and emotions, transforming the dining experience. As BEARVFX expands globally, their innovative approach promises a future where customer engagement is not just intuitive but uniquely personalized.

〔Original : Meet Global〕