- 地址:臺北市中正區重慶南路三段2號
- 電話:(02)23012160
- 電子郵件:taipei.npo@impacthub.net
- 類別屬性:共同工作空間
- 官方網站: 進入網站
- 有輔導
- 有舉辦活動或課程
- 可獲得投資機會
- 場地外借
- 可進駐
- 創業家簽證認可
- 政府單位營運
- 績優推薦
- 在地交流
Impact Hub Taipei是華語世界第一個Impact Hub,也是台灣第一個獲得B型企業認證的共同工作空間與影響力孵化器。近年,我們以「聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)」作為議題與孵化主軸。期待在國際與資源串鏈結下,讓Impact Hub Taipei成為亞洲的社創中心。
Impact Hub Taipei makes sustainable impact locally. And it"s a community composed of impact entrepreneurs, activists, creatives, campaigners, artists, freelancers and professionals taking action to drive positive social and environmental change. It is a well-developed ecosystem of social innovation and internationalization; that contributes significantly to sustainability and SDGs.
Impact Hub Taipei is proud to be the first B Corp certified coworking space and impact incubator in Taiwan, and the first B Corp certified Impact Hub in Asia, as to raise the bar for themselves to do business for good.