
- 地址:臺北市中山北路二段96號 後棟9樓918室
- 電話:02-6605-8167 #20
- 電子郵件:info@garageplus.asia
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1991 年由 20 家台灣重要企業共同成立,與國際一流學府如 MIT、UC Berkeley 進行長期產學合作;30 年來以「推動知識經濟的橋樑」自期,為台灣經濟發展找尋利基。1998 年,從培育創新興業人才出發,策劃「Epoch School」(https://school.epoch.org.tw),將創新教育接軌國際資源,持續培養未來社會和產業需要的人才,永續創新活水。
2008 年開始培育輔導創業團隊,獲得國內企業如嘉新兆福文化基金會與台積電、台達電、廣達、緯創、國泰、富邦、新光等 30 家企業支持,鼓勵技術創新型的創業,讓標竿創業家、知名投資人及新一代創業人活躍其中,共同經營以「透過創新為社會創造美好生活」為願景的國際級創業社群。 目前已協助超過 480 個團隊,其中含 244 個國際團隊,主要培育的三大產業領域為:人工智慧及大數據、軟硬整合及智慧裝置、數位醫療及醫療器材,其餘還有農業、綠能科技以及金融科技等。
With the mission of facilitating industrial develop-ment and economic prosperity in Taiwan, Epoch Foundation has been representing 20 Taiwan-based blue-chip companies, closely allying with the world’s renowned academic institutions such as MIT and UC Berkeley over the past 30 years. With strong international connections, Epoch also serves as the liaison office to bridge and consolidate in-dustrial resources. In 1998, the Foundation initiated the educational program “Epoch School” to incu-bate entrepreneurship and innovation among young talents in Taiwan. In 2008, it founded Garage+ with a mission to support mission-driven entrepreneurs who take actions to realize their dreams and bring a better life to society through innovation. Up to 2021, more than 480 startups (including 244 inter-national teams) have been participating in Garage+.
2008 年開始培育輔導創業團隊,獲得國內企業如嘉新兆福文化基金會與台積電、台達電、廣達、緯創、國泰、富邦、新光等 30 家企業支持,鼓勵技術創新型的創業,讓標竿創業家、知名投資人及新一代創業人活躍其中,共同經營以「透過創新為社會創造美好生活」為願景的國際級創業社群。 目前已協助超過 480 個團隊,其中含 244 個國際團隊,主要培育的三大產業領域為:人工智慧及大數據、軟硬整合及智慧裝置、數位醫療及醫療器材,其餘還有農業、綠能科技以及金融科技等。
With the mission of facilitating industrial develop-ment and economic prosperity in Taiwan, Epoch Foundation has been representing 20 Taiwan-based blue-chip companies, closely allying with the world’s renowned academic institutions such as MIT and UC Berkeley over the past 30 years. With strong international connections, Epoch also serves as the liaison office to bridge and consolidate in-dustrial resources. In 1998, the Foundation initiated the educational program “Epoch School” to incu-bate entrepreneurship and innovation among young talents in Taiwan. In 2008, it founded Garage+ with a mission to support mission-driven entrepreneurs who take actions to realize their dreams and bring a better life to society through innovation. Up to 2021, more than 480 startups (including 244 inter-national teams) have been participating in Garage+.
臺北市中山北路二段96號 後棟9樓918室