

新聞國際太空新創落地臺灣歡迎會 圓滿落幕

創業觀點-國際太空新創落地臺灣歡迎會 圓滿落幕主要照片

2023《國際太空新創來臺落地培訓計畫》從歐洲、美國、印度、澳洲募集16家成熟太空新創公司來臺,於8月15日舉辦落地臺灣歡迎會,現場座無虛席、互動熱絡。會中邀請經濟部中小企業處陳秘順副處長、國家太空中心 TASA 陳維鈞處長、India Taipei Association - 印度 台北協會 楊丹杰副會長、Czech Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei 捷克經濟文化辦事處 經濟組組長Kateřina Heinischová以及眾多貴賓與業界、學界代表蒞臨會場,透過國際新創 pitch帶來最新的太空產業創新應用與技術發展趨勢,並提供與會者拓展國際商務鏈結的最佳交流機會,會中亦揭幕來臺落地培訓一個月即將展開的行程亮點。



International SpaceTech Startup Welcome Party held successfully

Welcome all selected startups of 2023 Internationl Spacetech Startup Supporting Program from Europe, the United States, India, and Australia to Taiwan! The Welcome Party held on August 15th featured international SpaceTech startup pitches showcasing the latest trends in space industry innovation and technological development. It also provided participants with optimal opportunities to expand their international business connections. Furthermore, the event unveiled the highlights of the upcoming one-month supporting program in Taiwan.

During the event, Deputy Director General Chen, Mi-Shun from Small and Medium Enterprise Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Department Director Chen, Way-Jin from Taiwan Space Agency, Deputy Director General Dhananjay Singh Yadav from India Taipei Association, Head of Economic Section Kateřina Heinischová from Czech Economic and Cultural Office, as well as numerous distinguished guests, industry representatives and professionals from academia had joined in the lively interaction with the startups. 

We are grateful to all the participants who attended the event. The Welcome Party concluded successfully, and we look forward to collaborating with international SpaceTech startups to invigorate Taiwan's space industry ecosystem and embark on this exciting journey! 

#SpaceTechStartup #CoInnovation


Taiwan Startup Hub 新創基地 11 月活動快訊
新聞Taiwan Startup Hub 新創基地 11 月活動快訊
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