新聞AWE 女性創業學院 國際接軌.加速起飛!
AWE Taiwan於 6/28-6/30辦理加速器培訓營,經濟部中小企業處蔡琪玲科長與美籍新創輔導專家Nancy Hayes女士揭開序幕,美國在台協會文化新聞組Arend Zwartjes組長也到場以中文向與會者打招呼,並鼓勵學員與對活動的支持。
今年首次辦理 #AWE女性創業加速器,三天的培訓營中,學員透過講座、討論、實作工作坊,增進「商業模式」、「國內外資金籌措」、「國內外市場拓展」的知能。密集式的 #培訓課程,對於新創公司商業模式的檢視、國外市場的規劃、募資目標的選定以及英文商業簡報能力的提升,都有很大的幫助!
後續還有 #1對1業師輔導,期待透過專業人士的指導以及媒合產業資源的鏈結,使受輔導企業的加速成長,帶動台灣女創走向國際市場!
#台灣女性創業學院 #AWETaiwan #AcademyforWomenEntrepreneurs
Academy for Women Entrepreneurs Taiwan (AWE Taiwan) is soaring globally!
AWE Taiwan just held an amazing accelerator bootcamp from June 28-30! Support from MOEA and AIT, we kicked off the event in style!
This year, AWE Taiwan launched its first Accelerator Bootcamp, aiming to connect networks, enhance fundraising skills, and expand internationally. Our goals: fundraising, market expansion, and globalization.
Participants engaged in inspiring by keynote speech, panel discussion, workshops and Pitch Demo Day practice, boosting their business models, fundraising strategies, and market expansion during the 3 days accelerator bootcamp.
Next up: 1-on-1 mentorship! We've invited experts in startups, transformation, investment, and marketing, including past award winners, to guide our entrepreneurs. Together, we'll accelerate growth and empower Taiwanese women entrepreneurs to conquer the global market!
For more information about AWE Taiwan: https://www.facebook.com/AWEinTaiwan