☆臺灣歷史最悠久的創業桂冠 ☆華人創業家最高榮譽 ☆夢想力×創業力×成就實現
自1978年起開辦「創業楷模選拔」,為全國首創表揚創業家的國家級獎項,在全球已有 600多位佼佼者榮獲殊榮,獲獎後更是有 人脈資源串接、建立品牌形象、鏈結新創 、回饋社會等多方效益!
2022創業楷模選拔 國內第45屆、海外第31屆
■年齡: 65歲(含)以下
■現任職務:為公司實際經營者年資滿 3年以上,二代承接須擔任董事長、總經理或執行長等約當職務滿 5年以上
■參選人投資金額:國內新臺幣 1,000萬元;海外美金 15萬元以上
■公司登記成立滿 3年以上
■資本額:國內新臺幣 5,000萬元;海外美金 50萬元以上
■獲利能力:近3年平均獲利新臺幣 500萬元以上,或前一年度獲利超過新臺幣 1,000萬元
2022 Model of Entrepreneurs & Backers Awards Selection Starts!
Welcome to apply the 45th Taiwan and the 31st Overseas Model of Entrepreneurs, and seize chance before July 15th Application deadline.
★Candidate Qualifications★
■Age: 65 and under
■ Current position: applicants should be the current executive responsible for the day-to-day operations of the for-profit business for a minimum of three years; the second generation of the founder is eligible with the role of the company's CEO, president, or general manager for a minimum of five years.
■Candidate's investment amount: at least ten million TWD (Taiwan); one hundred fifty thousand USD (Overseas)
★The Eligible Business Entities★
■The company has been registered for more than three years.
■Amount of Capital: at least fifty million TWD (Taiwan); half a million USD (Overseas)
■Profitability: The average profit in the past three years is at least five million TWD, or the profit in the previous year is more than ten million TWD.