- 單位名稱:無極限國際有限公司
- 成立時間 : 105/11/16
- 負責人 : 董耀慶
- 所在縣市 : 臺北市
- 連絡電話 : 0919235330
- 官方網站 : https://www.facebook.com/MPG1668/?ref=br_rs
- 經營項目 : 教育培訓課程
- 屬性:文化創意、知識服務
Hello everyone. We are Infinity International Corp.
We devote ourselves to providing education by network marketing technology. In the past two years, we have hosted and co-organized more than 300 lectures and workshops, and the number of our participants has exceeded 20,000.
These programs cover financial investment, sales skills, and business management, which make people and organization be much more competitive. In the future, we aim to extend our educational services from physical to online learning, so no matter adults or kids, especially those who live outside the cities could learn from the countryside, from any remote areas, or from everywhere globally, without any time and distance limitation. People could learn online and practice offline through the Internet. We build up a learning ecosystem that has no limits to change people’s lives.
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