- 單位名稱:捷絡生物科技股份有限公司
- 成立時間 : 107.11.14
- 負責人 : 林彥穎
- 所在縣市 : 新竹縣
- 連絡電話 : (03)658-3058
- 官方網站 : https://jellox.com
- 經營項目 : 3D數位病理、癌症檢驗、AI演算法分析、高速掃描器
- 屬性:科技產業、淨零排放
- 企業簡介
捷絡生物科技股份有限公司是國立清華大學研發團隊成立的新創公司,本公司擁有專屬授權及自主發明專利,開發創新的數位影像技術與AI分析平臺,以3D病理影像的立體組織特徵進行下世代病理診斷。本公司的創業理念與經營目標為發展全球首創的3D數位病理解決方案,以支援精準癌症診斷、提升病患治療福祉、及精準配對患者與各種治療方案,進而提升治療成功率。我們的Slogan為“Reimaging Pathology at New Horizon”。
JelloX Biotech Inc. is a university startup by research team from National Tsing Hua University. JelloX owns exclusive in-license and invention patents to develop innovative digital imaging technology and AI analysis platform for next generation pathology with 3D digital pathology image and tissue feature-based diagnosis. We aim at creation of the world first 3D digital pathology solution in support of precision cancer diagnosis, optimize patient treatment outcome, and matching right patients with right drugs at right time. Our slogan is “Reimaging Pathology at New Horizan"
- 產品優勢及競爭力
捷絡生技首項產品”JX ACE 3D病理影像服務”已上線提供客戶高解析度病理影像,特色為高精準度、高便捷性、及高效率,是快速、經濟、且最符合病理檢驗流程的商業化3D數位病理產品。除細胞核、細胞膜、抗體等染色訊號外,本產品可偵測傳統2D檢驗方法無法獲得的立體病理特徵、並發現多項新穎立體病理結構與生物標記特徵具高度的臨床結果相關性,輔以AI演算法精準定量已建立數項創新的癌症診斷模型。相關研發成果已發表期刊及國際研討會論文,證明3D病理檢驗的優越性。本公司開發的MetaLite 3D病理分析軟體及高速掃描器硬體即將問世,組成完整的「3D數位病理影像暨AI輔助分析平臺」,切入精準診斷及AI醫療國際商機。
JelloX has launched the first product “JX ACE 3D Pathology Imaging Service” to provide customers high resolution pathology images. Special advantages including high accuracy, convenience and efficiency make it a rapid and economic commercialized 3D pathology product most suitable for current pathology diagnosis workflow. In addition to nuclei, membrane, and antibody staining signals, our product can detect 3D pathology signatures invisible by conventional 2D methodology. We have discovered multiple novel 3D morphology and biomarker features with strong concordance to clinical treatment outcome, along with AI algorithm and precise quantitative analysis new cancer diagnosis models have been established. Our innovative discovery and clinical validation have been published in scientific journals and international conferences, demonstrating superiority of 3D pathology diagnosis. Moreover, our MetaLite 3D pathology analysis software and high speed scanner will be launched to complete an integrated “3D digital pathology imaging and AI auxiliary analysis platform” in order to penetrate international business opportunity of precision diagnosis and AI medicine.
- 未來遠景
JelloX Biotech has registered in Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park to establish certified laboratory for 3D pathology, we will continue to collaborate with medical centers, biotech industry, and research institutes with special focus on proof-of-concept projects. Creation of innovative medical device product and penetration of emerging global market will contribute to new generation precision AI medicine with high social and economic impact.
※ 105年登錄之社會企業 社會目的:椰子園老人養護之家自民國83年初始照顧服務日常生活無法自理...計畫名稱社企型公司進階推動計畫