


  • 單位名稱:藍鬍子創意行銷有限公司
  • 成立時間 : 2016/11/15
  • 負責人 : 羅上恒
  • 所在縣市 : 臺北市
  • 連絡電話 : 0970930701
  • 官方網站 : https://www.facebook.com/iTemp.1115/
  • 經營項目 : 研發「iTemp智慧溫控杯」與「iTemp智慧溫控碗盤」
  • 屬性:電子商務
  • 創業故事

    iTemp智慧溫控系統計畫,透過各種智慧盛裝容器,「iTemp智慧溫控杯」與「iTemp智慧溫控碗盤」,簡單的操作即可讓所有使用者,在享用美味的飲品與餐點時,體會到最美好的溫度體驗。我們透過物聯網特殊的產品性,將加熱與保溫的動作化繁為簡,進而提升用戶的飲食及健康。iTemp產品設計團隊,於去年2018年時進駐物聯網智造基地,並得到第二代構想、雛型、測試等階段的專業協作。我們團隊主力產品「iTemp智慧精緻溫控杯碗」也先後獲得經濟部通訊大賽 -聯發科技物聯網開發競賽、APICTA亞太資通訊科技聯盟大賽獎項。去年除了透過商品市調累積上千份廣大迴響,也受邀參加創客xIoTx智造資源串接與合作結盟大會、Maker Faire Taipei創客嘉年華、vMaker創客創業加速器、GEC+ Taipei全球智慧物聯創新社會、及近期應邀到Maker Hatch Day,由資訊工業策進會邀請的創新創業專題分享產品及研發的路程。

    Introducing iTemp, the world"s first and only, and the Non-microwave temperature controlling products. iTemp is going to change the way we eat and drink, by keeping the best temperature you like through different kinds of tableware. Your personalized preference can now be a command via your phone, and on top of that you can keep track of each item on app in order to achieve your goal, like how much of milk, or how much of warm water you are drinking, and etc. iTemp allows you to either (A) make a command via your tableware before your food pouring with no apps no buttons needed, or (B) make your adjustment afterwards, through app, or even (C) pre-set the temperature at when the exact time you want it. We were rewarded BLUE BEARD STIUDIO entered the IoT Intelligence Base in 2018 , and obtained some professional suggest in conception, prototype, and testing. Our team’s main product “iTemp Smart Mug & Smart Bowl and more” has won the MobileHeros and APICTA Awards. Invited to participate Maker x IoT x Intellectual creation Resources Concatenation and Cooperation Alliance Conference, Maker Faire Taipei, vMaker Maker Entrepreneur accelerator, GEC+ Taipei, Maker Hatch Day, etc.

  • 個案照片
    ※ 105年登錄之社會企業 社會目的:1.因應國內外經濟蕭條,地球環境保護責任,傳統代表性民生產業轉...
  • 個案照片
    ※ 105年登錄之社會企業 社會目的:基於整體氣候、環境日漸惡化,想要在自身產業下的工作內容(搬運產...