開始時間:2025-03-04 18:30
結束時間:2025-03-04 21:30
2025 SelectUSA新創企業選拔賽
經濟部中小及新創企業署為支持新創企業擴大事業版圖至美國,今年度將徵選20隊新創企業前進美國參與2025 SelectUSA Investment Summit的SelectUSA Tech新創企業競賽,協助新創企業呈現最佳表現,獲取赴美拓點相關資源、人脈及曝光機會。
*團隊需自行負擔和安排參展所需相關費用 (門票、機票、食宿、交通、個人花費)
報名期間:即日起至2/3 17:00
SelectUSA Investment Summit 是美國商務部為促進外商在美投資所舉辦的活動,2025年度將在5月11至14日於馬里蘭州盛大舉行;參與人員包含美國官方代表、大企業、國內外廠商及各地加速器、創投等單位。為鼓勵新創企業落地美國,大會針對新創企業安排一系列議題趨勢演講、Pitch競賽、生態圈交流,協助新創串聯美國的落地資源和人脈。
其中,SelectUSA Tech新創競賽提供新創企業曝光、跟各州政府鏈結、獲取美國新創資源的管道,是已經/即將進入美國市場的新創公司不可錯過的絕佳機會。
|關於TAcc+ 矽谷行程|
矽谷行程將協助新創企業拓展當地人脈,為進軍美國市場做準備。活動將圍繞矽谷創新圈交流、美國落地諮詢及投資人交流三大核心環節。TAcc+ 將依入選團隊產業別與發展階段為新創企業安排最佳的交流對象,幫助新創企業加速進入美國市場,開創更大的國際商機。
Jeremy Chen : selectusa@taccplus.com
【Entrepreneurial adventure】 Tech startups toward the U.S.
subsidy trials of 2025 SelectUSA
To facilitate the expansion of Taiwanese startups into the U.S. market, the Small and Medium Enterprise and Startup Administration under the Ministry of Economic Affairs supports the Top 20 startups participating in the SelectUSA Tech competition at the 2025 SelectUSA Investment Summit.
Winners will be granted:
1. 100K NTD subsidy for international business development (Top 15)
2. Mentoring & Pitch Training
3. International Linkage of Startup Ecosystem in the United States of America
* Startups will be responsible for the exhibition-related costs (admission ticket, flight tickets, accommodation and transportation fare, and personal expenses)
| Website |:
Registration time: open from now on until February 3rd, at 5 pm.
|About SelectUSA|
The SelectUSA Investment Summit is an event organized by the United States Department of Commerce to promote international investment in the U.S..
The 2025 SelectUSA Investment Summit will be held in Maryland from May 11 - 14, 2025 and will be attended by Minister for the Cabinet Office, official representatives of the United States, domestic and international companies, global accelerators, venture capitals from around the world. To encourage new ventures to land in the U.S., the conference will feature a series of trend presentations, pitch competitions, and ecosystem exchanges to help new ventures connect with U.S.-based resources and contacts.
|About TAcc+ Silicon Valley Trip |:
The Silicon Valley trips will assist the startups to expand their local network and prepare for entering the U.S. market. The activities will focus on three core aspects: Silicon Valley startup network engagement, US market entry consultation, and investor networking. TAcc+ will arrange the best exchange partners for the selected teams according to their industries and stages of development, to help them accelerate their entry into the U.S. market and open up greater international business opportunities.
Contact person:
Jeremy Chen: selectusa@taccplus.com