【台北場】QITC 2025高通台灣創新競賽...
開始時間:2025-02-11 13:30
結束時間:2025-02-11 15:40
2024【越南】越南創新獎金賽 Green Innovation Fellowship (GIF) 徵件中~5/31截止投稿!
► 徵件截止日期: 2024 年 5 月 31 日止
► 你是否關心的環境問題?你想為越南的永續發展做出貢獻嗎?如果是的話GIF越南綠色創新獎金賽就是你的舞台!GIF 是一個由越南YBA、ibp與BSSC共同主辦的競賽,主要在鼓勵越南與國際在解決環境問題方面發揮創意和創新精神。
► 今年2024年GIF 再度舉辦鼓勵提出綠色創新的解決方案,共同為越南的環境永續發展做出貢獻。Every green idea holds the potential to transform our future!只要有一個綠色創新的解決方案,就可以報名參賽。提案內容可以涵蓋任何環境問題,例如氣候變遷、空氣污染、水污染、廢棄物管理等綠色產業解決方案。評審將根據提案的創意和創新性、可行性、潛在影響等標準進行評審。
► 進前10強可以在8月來越南參與InnoEx新創展會爭取前5強機會,並有機會獲得前往新加坡對接資源的機會!現在就行動起來,讓你的創意和創新精神,為越南的環境永續發展帶來改變!立即參賽,贏取豐厚資源!
[ENG] Are you passionate about environmental issues? Do you want to contribute to Vietnam"s sustainable development? If so, the Green Innovation Fellowship (GIF) Vietnam Green Innovation Awards is your stage! GIF is a competition co-organized by Vietnam YBA, IbP, and BSSC aimed at encouraging creativity and innovation in addressing environmental issues in Vietnam and internationally.
► This year, in 2024, GIF is once again organizing a competition to encourage the submission of green innovative solutions to contribute to Vietnam"s environmental sustainability. Every green idea has the potential to transform our future! Anyone with a green innovative solution can participate. Proposals can cover any environmental issue, such as climate change, air pollution, water pollution, waste management, and green industry solutions. The judges will evaluate proposals based on their creativity and innovation, feasibility, potential impact, and other criteria.
► The top 10 finalists will be invited to Vietnam in August to participate in the InnoEx startup expo for a chance to make it to the top 5 and to network with resources in Singapore!
► The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2024. Take action now and let your creativity and innovation make a difference for Vietnam"s environmental sustainability! Enter now and win valuable resources!